Scott Robertson interviewed on Marketing Champions on YouTube
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I hope this helps you!
https://calendly.com/robertsoncomm/30-min-complimentary-consultation?month=2023-08 Let’s talk about what has become a huge marketing buzzword — Storytelling. Now, when people tell me they are “good at storytelling” usually it means one of two things — 1) They are good at telling jokes with a story and making people laugh or 2) They are GREAT at talking about themselves in […]
Why does most marketing sound like BS? Because it is. “ergonomic design”….”adaptive technology”…. “robust solutions” I’m not even sure marketers know what this stuff really means. So WHY do some marketing firms use BS words when clear ones would work SO much better? There’s just a way most marketing “sounds” that just sounds like marketing—and […]
One of the most common ways people, particularly marketers, greet each other now is “Hey, wow what do you think about all of this generative AI?” “Is that affecting your business?” You can sense the curiosity, but really the fear behind those words. This is because of hype. Now hype occurs when everyone goes to jump in one particular […]
Your message, your story (which isn’t about you) is EVERYTHING in doing marketing the right way. Don’t get started until you get that right. Robertson Communications can guide you using the proven StoryBrand SB7 framework
I get asked all the time to comment on logos and design. “Scott, what do you think of THIS logo?” My answer is always the same. What am I supposed to think or more accurately…feel? And I mean it. To me, the design doesn’t have meaning unless it’s trying to evoke emotion so I like […]