Quotes Scott Robertson from RobertsonComm

Scott Robertson, president and founder of the marketing firm RobertsonComm, noted that one key factor in effective marketing, both offline and online, is often overlooked. “The most important aspect of marketing online or offline [is] the message,” Robertson emphasized. “You cannot assume the message is good. I’ve found that nine out of 10 times, it’s unclear, self-serving and just poor. It’s like tuning a guitar before you play. You wouldn’t plug an untuned guitar into a massive arena sound system, would you? … Before you [use any marketing] tactics, you must have a clear message that shows how a company or product solves a customer’s problem. Without that, all the tactics in the world will not work.”

Thanks to for including my comments in this piece “Back to Basics: Offline Marketing Tactics That Still Work in Today’s Digital World”.